Happy faces By: Eric Hitchmo 29/09/2010

More On Izale MCLEOD

"Yes so I wrote a month ago that I was a bit disappointed in the club for not going through with the signing of a big name striker, rumoured to be one Izale McLeod. Here we are with the aforementioned striker now on the books at Barnet. Cracking news. This is what we've been screaming for, and while I've been very quick to dish out criticism toward the club at times, I am more than willing to give praise where it's due for pulling this one off.

While I won't get carried away and expect him to forge a long and prosperous career with Barnet FC, it's a much need shot in the arm and is a clear demonstration of the club putting some money in to sign a name. He could even command a transfer fee some time soon as well. So good on the club, whoever was behind it, for this little transfer coup. I wonder if he can defend?

So what will this do for our season? Wycombe last night demonstrated we are OK going forward and dismal at the back. But some more quality up top is never gonna be any harm, especially with Walsh heading back soon. McLeod is currently injured however, so we won't be seeing in the next few weeks, but I am anticipating it with a little bit of giddy excitement. Great!

This could be a key moment in the season, it could turn it in a direction we want to be heading in. I'm not saying or believing for one second that we'll be anywhere near the shake up at the top, but it could certainly drive us away from the relegation battle. Plenty of potential from one name, this is what we've been after! Or I have, at least. It does appear to have created a bit of a buzz.

He is not the definitive answer to our problems, of which there are plenty, so there is need to approach this with caution. It can't paper over the cracks of what has been a very disappointing start to the season where the team leaks goals as if it is a lot of fun, but enough of that, when was the last time a signing caused a ripple of excitement round the place?

Goals = Wins = Crowds. No pressure Izale."

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Special thanks to Chris Holland for use of photography and John Snow, John Erroll and Tony Hammond for statistical compilation.

A huge thank you also to Rob Cavallini whose Barnet history books set the basis for our journey to complete all statistics back to the start of Barnet FC.

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