It Summed It All Up
Oh this club... By: Eric Hitchmo 03/11/2010
0 3
League 02/11/2010
2010-2011 Attendance: 2722 (1108)
More On Stevenage

"Sometimes you have to hold your hands up.

Last night I watched a club on its knees being beaten in every possible sense by an up-and-coming, pro-active and all round better football club, as much as it pains me to say it. I do not like them. At all. Last night was fucking excruciating to watch. This has been coming for a long time, The Chavs have always had the potential to overtake us but now it looks like they will fulfil it unless something changes, now.

I watched us be outfought, outbattled and just about everything else. Their support was numerically excellent and vocally pretty good too, their team was simply better than ours. In my pre-match write up I feared that exactly this would happen. We've been shown up big time. We've had our pants pulled down and everyone is pointing and laughing at the state we are in.

No longer can I tolerate excuses. We all know about The Hive and how it is sure to be something great in the future. But what about now? Why are we prepared to risk it all, everything we worked so hard for to get ourselves a base, just like we did last year? If we are relegated, we lose it all. Last year it took until the 44th game to make a change, we must act now and nip this in the bud while there is still time to turn it round.

Never have I seen such disgust at the management of this football club from this dwindling fanbase, let alone have I seen it so soon into a reign. Mark Stimson has been in charge for about five months and there are many already calling for his head. Unrest has been brewing for some time, but the manner of last night's defeat has tipped many over the edge. Those who were still undecided and in the balance appear to have firmly nailed their colours to the mast and declared their views. I am very worried about what will become of us if we do not act quickly.

You know how most years there is a club that gets cut adrift at the bottom of the league? It's going to be us. We'll go down with not even a hint of a whimper at this rate.

The home support numbered around 1,600 last night. For a derby. Believe it or not I was quite surprised that it was that high. Midweek games usually slash a home gate but there were a number of old faces out for this. It was a decent little East Terrace atmosphere, with plenty of nasties being thrown over the partition. But still, for games like this there should be 2-3,000 home supporters. Our fanbase continues to fizzle away after five years of below average Football League nonsense and you struggle to see when the deserters will come back. Away from home we can barely manage 100 up North anymore. How much longer are we going to have to sit and stagnate? How much longer are the supporters going to have to put up with it? How much longer are we going to have to watch Non-League clubs come up from the Conference and overtake us? The Chavs, Morecambe, Burton, Dagenham, how many more do you want?

As you can tell, I'm a bit angry. Everything that is currently wrong with this club was horribly exposed by a bunch of undesirables from The Chavs. Why did it have to be them? Perhaps the backlash of ill-feeling being spouted out in the bar, on the internet, in the ground was fuelled by the fact that this was a derby and we approached it pathetically, and what we're left with is an embarrassing mess.

I don't know what else I can say about it. It's strange how the whole thing could have been very different had Kevin Gallen put away his one-on-ones. I could have been on here lauding a fantastic triumph over our neighbours, saying how great we are and how this was a turning point in the season. It's funny how moods can swing based on pivotal moments like that. I guess that's football and that's why we love it. How fickle we can be after a defeat, how great everything is after a win. If we'd performed in the same manner last night but won, would I be ranting like this? Perhaps I'm overreacting. But this is the reality of it, and this is how losing at home to bloody The Chavs has made me feel. Whether you agree with me or not is a different matter.

Despite this frustration this morning, I'm still going to pay £15 to watch us take on Charlton in the FA Cup. Why? When the odds are so stacked against us? Why? I couldn't tell you why. Football is just irrational. I'm not enjoying it, but I keep doing it. Could that logic be applied to anything other than football? Of course it couldn't.

What do we do now then?"

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01/04/2023 It’ll Have To Be The Playoffs
26/03/2023 Home Away From Home
13/02/2022 The View From Afar
19/04/2013 Underhill

All materials on this site copyright Downhill Second Half and its individual authors. Content may not be reproduced without prior written permission.

Special thanks to Chris Holland for use of photography and John Snow, John Erroll and Tony Hammond for statistical compilation.

A huge thank you also to Rob Cavallini whose Barnet history books set the basis for our journey to complete all statistics back to the start of Barnet FC.

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