In For The Long Haul
Not good is it? By: Eric Hitchmo 04/01/2011
4 2
League 03/01/2011
2010-2011 Attendance: 3744 (834)
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"So it would appear then that a change of manager does not necessarily mean an immediate turn of fortunes. To expect a complete turnaround over a two day period would be foolish, but yesterday's derby day whimper at The Chavs showed that we are going to be in this one for the long haul. The table is not a pretty sight.

I have been calling for Mark Stimson's head for several months now and was, like many, pretty glad to hear that his contract had been terminated after yet another dreadful showing on New Year's Day, culminating in another defeat to Aldershot and the end of his six month tenure as Barnet manager. It's pleasing that finally something had been done about it as I was beginning to seriously fret for our league position with him in charge. However, as it turns out, things may have to get a bit more dire before they get much better.

The pre-match buzz that filled the Wetherspoons and throughout a healthy contingent of Barnet supporters in the away end considering the circumstances had evaporated within eight horrible first half minutes. A corner was not dealt with and was returned with interest into the net and almost laughably the second goal consisted of a long goal kick being volleyed into the air by Basey and the ball somehow looping over debutant youth team goalkeeper Tom Coulton and into the net. If there was a time when bad luck was not welcome, this was clearly it.

The atmosphere was flattened. Paul Fairclough has had barely any time to stamp his mark on this team as yet but it all looked dreadfully familiar. The upcoming trip to Bradford should be a more interesting gauge of how he will embark on keeping our heads above the water. At the moment we are drowning and in serious danger of losing anything we could feasibly hold on to. We look like a side with no confidence. Once again, every sign of Barnet related confidence, be it on or off the pitch was sapped away by the early horrorshow, The Chavs needed only to keep their heads and play out the remaining minutes, such is the apparent faith that we can actually turn a game around.

A well taken third goal followed just before the half hour mark. The locals cheered quietly, even they couldn't get excited by the steamrollering of their feeble opponents. We served ourselves up as fodder, much like Audley Harrison did to David Haye a few months ago. We hadn't even offered as little as a jab at this stage, and we were 3-0 down. Everything was comfortably mopped up by the home sides' able and strong back line. Impatience and anger was once again rife amongst the massed ranks behind the goal. To our credit, it was a decent turnout, well over half of what our home support has been in the last few weeks. But what we were being treated to made it difficult to offer the backing that we usually do, as has been the case for the entire season.

You can see how The Chavs have acquitted themselves reasonably well to League Two. They're a big, strong and physical team, the sort of team that will thrive in this division. With what looks like a season of consolidation ahead, they will surely be well positioned to look ahead at a playoff push in the upcoming years as much as it pains me to say it. They can become another one of those teams that came up from the Conference long after we did and left us in their wake. Noone appears to know how Barnet Football Club cannot get on-field matters right. However if you are that person, please send a CV to the club, now.

To add insult to injury, all hopes of a miraculous second half comeback (these people are now safely locked away in straight-jackets) were dashed a mere minute into it. Those of us who could no longer stomach it were left to find out via Sky Sports News again, even people who NEVER leave games early were away from this one. Even if a late rally gave the scoreline a hint of respectability that was barely deserved, the underlining fact remained simple, we are not good enough.

Loyalty and faith have been excruciatingly extracted from the most hardy supporters, leaving some completely disillusioned with what is going on, myself included. This is not a first, and you may understandably question my lack of loyalty. However, after 500 games where I have enjoyed so much of it, made great friends, had wonderful memories and spent thousands of pounds on travelling the length and breadth of the country, seeing it get this bad and with no sign of improving any time soon makes it very difficult to carry on enduring each 90 minute period of agony.

It would be very easy to turn round and say ""it's times like these that make the good times even sweeter"" or some similar sentiment. This may be the case, but when the light as this ever lengthening tunnel continues to fade away into oblivion it becomes harder to believe with every match that passes.

The bragging rights will sit firmly with The Chavs as they continue their merry journey. They even get to renew acquaintances with Newcastle next weekend in the FA Cup third round. It's all looking quite rosy for them. One would hope however that if we do meet again next season and beyond that they will never again be gifted six points as easily as they have by one of the worst Barnet sides going. Until then, they will rub our noses in it and who can blame them.

At least the transfer window is open, eh...?"

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Special thanks to Chris Holland for use of photography and John Snow, John Erroll and Tony Hammond for statistical compilation.

A huge thank you also to Rob Cavallini whose Barnet history books set the basis for our journey to complete all statistics back to the start of Barnet FC.

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