Champion Scorer
Can we? By: Eric Hitchmo 03/04/2011
Burton Albion
1 4
League 02/04/2011
2010-2011 Attendance: 2774 (250)
More On Burton Albion

Wow. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed two games in a row. When Martin Allen promised 'fun' after he took over, he wasn't lying. In the space of 180 minutes his team has bought a feeling back to Barnet Football Club that has been missing for months, years even. A relationship between players and fans, it's all very 2003.

Steve Kabba's four second half goals in front of a noisy, delirious and well-oiled travelling support were greeted with joy by everyone involved. A coach full of players and club staff enjoyed fish 'n chips and crates of beer on the way home. Everyone's loving it, and it's down to a massive change in approach from Allen. A complete overhaul, just what was required to take on this desperate challenge.

A loss yesterday would have surely spelt the end, and the first half was not overly entertaining or productive. We went one down early on having had a goal disallowed, and we struggled to make any impact on the game otherwise. However, where before we would have limped hopelessly towards another defeat, the team emerged galvanised in the second half and swept Burton off the Pirelli pitch. Despite it being Steve Kabba's name on the scoresheet, it was an entire team effort and the celebrations at the end were a fantastic reminder of days long gone.

It was an early start for us, though the transport system seemed to be doing its best in ruining our day. Firstly the Victoria line was suspended early on, meaning we very nearly missed our train to Tamworth. A very rushed Max Bygraves was spotted sprinting through Euston station after his train broke down. Having been separated from everyone else in the group, we rushed onto the 9:46 that happened to be one of those trains which splits in two at a certain station, we were on the wrong half. A hurried sprint at Watford Junction sorted that out and we were finally on the right path. Not far up the line we were stopped at Northampton, told to change trains as for no apparent reason our train decided it wanted to go somewhere else. Once we got onto the next one which took about ten minutes to arrive, we were promptly told we were to change again. Three trains and about half an hour later, we were on our way to the fine town of Tamworth. A quick pint consumed, Burton our destination.

We were in just time to catch West Ham v. Man Utd, things were already becoming bleary after three hours. Away days haven't been enjoyed this much for some time. We made our way to the ground where it looked like a decent number of Barnet had turned out for what was to be a crucial encounter and a decent atmosphere was brewing in the away end. I like Burton's ground, particularly for the fact that the bar behind the stand serves alcohol during the game, with a TV on so you can watch the game. Previous years have seen many Barnet fans congregating in this area to watch the game, either due to outdoors being cold or the game being awful. Some moments before half time, I decided that this was a good option. The first half wasn't very good y'see.

However, the second half was to be a different kettle of fish, and it's always exciting when you shoot towards your end, especially if you're going to be looking out for yourself on the Football League Show! Steve Kabba was about to put on a show, ably assisted by a supporting cast whose workrate and endeavour are just what we need to get us out of this mess. Even if we don't though, it looks like we're going to be enjoying this!

It began less than ten minutes into the half. Izale McLeod had already seen a looping effort bounce down off the crossbar and agonisingly back out into play, but when a long clearance somehow found its way to Steve Kabba who outpaced and shook off the nearby defender and fired through the legs of the Burton keeper Legzdins. Parity. Game on. We were on top, and ten minutes later the scorelines reflected our dominance. Another long ball was latched onto by Kabba, who again outpaced the defender but this time lofted his finish beautifully over the keeper from outside the box. Cue madness behind the goal. I love it. People running around the terrace in pure ecstasy. Ecstasy turned into disbelief when Sam Deering was bought down in the box. Kabba, who had never scored a hat-trick, stepped up and put us in complete control and sent us off on the run once again. Bliss.

The atmosphere became one of joyous merriment, an outpouring of pride in the football club we support as well as the salutation of Allen and the two Barnet legends he has instilled in his backroom. Oh how we've missed this.

Burton were shellshocked, how do they pick themselves up from this? Games in hand yes, but they looked knackered and in all honestly, lacking in ability. With ten still to play, Mark Marshall left the defender for dead on the wing and delivered a peach to be converted by the imperial Kabba. Never scored a hat-trick, and then bags himself four in half an hour. A fantastic personal achievement by the man. We were loud and proud as every Barnet song in the book appeared to be aired in a burst of fierce and boisterous support.

We stumbled out of the ground, intoxicated from alcohol and the disbelief experienced from an enjoyable trip away from home. Quiet reflection ran through on the way home, perhaps it was the drink that sent me to sleep, or had I just forgotten the feeling of happiness watching Barnet? Either way, much more of this would be most welcome.

The outlook remains a tough one but we've now given ourselves a massive chance of pulling it off. If we are not to make it though, at least we are showing a bit of bottle and fight in our campaign. We had previously been sinking and fading away without the merest whimper, but now we are standing up and trying to be counted. If the progress we've made so far is anything to go by, we can bloody do it.

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Special thanks to Chris Holland for use of photography and John Snow, John Erroll and Tony Hammond for statistical compilation.

A huge thank you also to Rob Cavallini whose Barnet history books set the basis for our journey to complete all statistics back to the start of Barnet FC.

Club crests, player images, and company logos are the property of their respective owners. They are included in this website for reference purposes only