Confirmed with two games to go. Will it be different this time? 6th time lucky? Oh, it’s just fun to be there! By: Max Bygraves 19/04/2023
Solihull Moors
1 0
League 18/04/2023
2022-2023 Attendance: 1250 (36)

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Blimey. It wasn’t pretty. It wasn’t a mad euphoric one like Leigh RMI in 2004, nor did it feel like a weak limp over the line like in 2000. But we’re only in the bloody play offs!

Downhill Second Half missed all the fun of the Hollywood circus in town on Saturday. Both contributors here were otherwise engaged in sunny Spain on a stag do. Everything’s been said that can be about the controversy, shithousery and dummy spit outtery; but we hopefully it was a performance that can act as a positive springboard into this exciting finale.

The signs were positive early on in this one. Solihull Moors arrived with little to play for and you got the sense the plan was to take the game to them to try and make them truly switch off if they conceded a few early.

This didn’t come to fruition, but Barnet had much the better of the early exchanges. An encouraging display throughout from Idris Kanu was a highlight. Jinking runs galore; this would be a very handy team for him to regain his best form. How he’s still in one piece from all the fouls he’s on the receiving end of is anyone’s guess. Last night was no exception.

After a few near chances, a couple of bad tempered challenges and the longest ball retrieval ever from a steward on a Barnet corner, what proved to be the games’ only goal arrived on 30 minutes.

The ball seemed to hang in the air for ages before Harry Smith powered home a header from close range. One of those where you knew it was in the moment the cross was hit. Relief, as frustration was beginning to creep in that the break had yet to come.

After this, in all honesty, it became a progressively harder watch.

Solihull did show why their league position is perhaps a bit of a surprise. They knocked the ball around nicely but lacked a little industry, the classic case of some perhaps already being metaphorically on the beach. Interestingly, they pretty much threw the towel in mid-season when things weren’t going to plan and allowed several key players to leave. It doesn’t appear Neal Ardley is under too much pressure and being given a chance to rebuild in the summer; they wouldn’t be the worst shout for a top seven if they get it right, looking to next season.

But for now, it’s all about this season’s top seven. It’s not been a scintillating last few weeks and the performances have undoubtedly dropped since the heady mid winter run. However, you can’t not be impressed at the job that has been done. Having been a mainstay of the top five since December, it’s a superb achievement to wrap up a play off spot with games to spare.

In the second half, we never truly looked like adding to our tally but the visitors offered little threat too. A fine save by Walker on the stroke of half time perhaps ensured a dull second forty five would be how this panned out. Fine by me.

The second half highlighted undoubtedly Dale Gorman’s incredible on the floor breaking dancingesque bit of ball control. Hard to explain if you didn’t witness it, but it was either very clever or very lucky. Maybe a heady mix of the two?

The players rightly got a decent ovation at full time, with the manager also singled out for extended praise.

It was interesting to spot the chairman on the pitch and joining the huddle. Noticeable also that he chose not to join in with clapping the crowd or even really making eye contact with those in the stand. Maybe there is some emotional intelligence in there after all.

When a team does well, people soon forget broader problems or issues as winning on the pitch is what’s paramount. I’m sure there are many who would congratulate and feel a sense of gratitude towards the owner for this season. If that’s your view, fair enough. For me, even if this season does have a fairytale ending, that’s not the place I will be directing my thanks.

We’re excited about making the play offs in the fifth tier whilst playing in front of a tiny crowd miles from home. Nothing wrong with this but not sure this is what we were promised, when we look at things from a broader perspective. We are where we are in spite of his leadership. We’ve got a great manager who he appointed - but how many duds did we have go through before he struck lucky?

But let’s not dwell on the negatives and the wrong people. A truly fantastic achievement from players and staff to be in the position we find ourselves after 44 games.

Truthfully, anything from here is a bonus, but what an exciting potential bonus to have. Bloody love play off football, me…

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All Articles By This Author:
13/06/2024 How It All Began
13/05/2024 Togetherness
29/04/2024 Outfought, Outthought, Out Of Ideas
10/04/2024 Nearly There
25/03/2024 "A Game Of F*****g Demolition"
20/03/2024 Another Step Closer
09/03/2024 Tepid
06/03/2024 Bring Barnet Back
21/02/2024 Shot Down
14/02/2024 Simon Clist

All materials on this site copyright Downhill Second Half and its individual authors. Content may not be reproduced without prior written permission.

Special thanks to Chris Holland for use of photography and John Snow, John Erroll and Tony Hammond for statistical compilation.

A huge thank you also to Rob Cavallini whose Barnet history books set the basis for our journey to complete all statistics back to the start of Barnet FC.

Club crests, player images, and company logos are the property of their respective owners. They are included in this website for reference purposes only