Here Fishy Fishy Fishy
We're playing Grimsby next. By: Eric Hitchmo 01/10/2009
Grimsby Town
3 0
League 03/10/2009
2009-2010 Attendance: 2497 (539)
More On Grimsby Town

"Until last season, this was a fearsome game. It would strike fear into the hearts of even the most hardened Barnet supporter. Quite literally tens of Barnet fans would be quaking in their boots, just at the thought of what Grimsby would do to us this time. How many different shades of embarrassment are there? Just look at that record against them, goodness it makes you want to shudder. Fortunately, as someone who had been in attendance at every single one of those humiliations, I'd almost become immune to it, I knew what to expect.

The 3-0 in 2006 was one of the worst away performances of the season, as was the one in 2007, oh and the one in 2008. Even when we were looking in good shape, a trip to Grimsby, or even a visit from them would throw it all out of the window. Each of the home games saw defeats in a similar 'roll out of the way lamely and die' sort of way.

Then suddenly, as if out of nowhere, Grimsby became a worse team than us. Can you believe that? I mean, do you remember how bad we were last season? How could a team possibly be worse? It was our eighth game of the season (plus the two cups we'd been dumped out of) and we'd amassed one point. We beat them, in some sort of ungodly miracle. Unfortunately, for those of us who had become so used to defeat and had wagered a large sum on a Grimsby win, it was a bittersweet afternoon. That'll learn 'em.

Let's not kid ourselves, it was a ridiculous game with each side trying to out-bad eachother. We were as hopeless as we had been in all the games preceding, it's just that Grimsby were somehow even worse than that. It seemed almost criminal that people had to pay to watch it.

I mean, when you buy something shit at the supermarket or the clothes shop you ask for your money back don't you. I was half expecting to see a queue all the way around Cleethorpes, demanding to know what had just happened. To call it a football match could have got anyone who used that phrase into serious hot water with the authorities under the Trade Descriptions Act.

The return game bought a different feeling. Now that this apparent hoodoo had been broken there was an air of optimism. We'd now scored TWO goals in the seven games against Town, and the goals against column only read seventeen. Wow. It was a great game to be fair, but some more comical defending and goalkeeping allowed us throw away a two goal lead, and then a one goal lead in a thriller of a 3-3 draw. It was a massive game at the time and a nice firm kick in the nuts, but as we know, everyone lived happily ever after with Chester and Luton removing themselves from our presence.

One thing that is always good about Grimsby though is the coverage we get from those wonderful people at Cod Almighty. They've been so kind as to supply us with a pretext to Saturday's game, so read it.

This season, it looks like Grimsby aren't that good again. They've even signed Michael Leary, but apparently they've already found out that despite his endeavour, he ain't really that good. Still it's been a slow start for the 'Grimbarians' as they have ambled their way down to 20th place. Hopefully this means that we will be able to exert some revenge. We're due at least three painful defeats, I think.

One thing I will be listening out for is how long it takes our ultra-witty fans to tell the Mariners faithful, who usually travel very well, something about fish. I mean, make an effort, please. I love how it seems to be sung as if it's the first time anyone has ever picked up on it. If you're going to do it, at least try and make it witty, please.

They best not swear though, otherwise face the wrath of the East Terrace stewarding team and their near farcical handling of the nothing situation on Tuesday. I may well write some more about this later on tonight, y'know, give it a bit of context in the event that you haven't a clue what I'm talking about. This may apply if you're say, a Grimsby supporter, but then I guess you don't really care anyway."

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Special thanks to Chris Holland for use of photography and John Snow, John Erroll and Tony Hammond for statistical compilation.

A huge thank you also to Rob Cavallini whose Barnet history books set the basis for our journey to complete all statistics back to the start of Barnet FC.

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