Well That Was Annoying
Should've beaten that rabble... By: Eric Hitchmo 22/11/2009
Port Vale
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League 21/11/2009
2009-2010 Attendance: 1939 (376)
More On Port Vale

As I write this, Tottenham have just beaten Wigan 9-1. What's all that about? Typical Premiership greed. First they won't share the money, now they won't share the goals. Honestly, it beggars belief.

I thought I was pretty annoyed at full time yesterday, but it's moments like this in football that remind you there's always somebody worse off. You've just seen your team concede EIGHT IN ONE HALF, and you've got to go back to Wigan. Unlucky. Still, back to reality and we can remember that yesterday was our second consecutive 0-0 draw at Underhill.

This one was more frustrating than the one against Hereford though, because we really should have won. We had five or six half decent chances and on another day at least one of the bastards would have gone in. It was just one of those days I guess. However, it was a big chance missed against a Port Vale side who bought approximately nothing to the table. Oh they were piss-poor, make no mistake. Industrious and hard-working yes, but they appeared to have no interest in our penalty area at all and in my opinion can consider themselves fortunate to have scurried away with their point.

But as I say, it was one of those days. We were worried about the defence being weakened. They looked solid, albeit without being tested in any way. Ismail Yakubu, pretty unsung so far this season seems to grow in confidence with every game and is playing very well. Ahmed Deen again filled in at right back very ably, and may even be staking a claim to make that position his own. Plus we haven't lost when he's started a! And Mark Hughes is still performing at a superb level. Combative, hard tackling, hard working. Quality player.

Oh but Port Vale. How did we not win this? And how did we not create more chances than we did. The statistics suggested we had seventeen shots, although none of them were what you might class as 'clear-cut' or 'gilt-edged'. We hit the bar, had one of the line and their keeper made a few good saves, but we could not get the goal we probably deserved.

Immediate chances to remedy a few things on Tuesday though when we go to seriously struggling Cheltenham. Let's sort out this little goalflow issue we've been having, as well as this away record and keep our interest in the top seven alive. That's what we want, so let's go and get it. I'd be tempted to put Adomah back in the side at the expense of Jarrett, who again proved his random cross-ability with some good ones, OK ones and some abysmal ones. Yannick Bolasie again looked very tricky and dangerous on both wings.

Winning this midweek game will provide essential practice for the tie of the round next Saturday against bloody Accrington.

Do I really have to go there? Really???

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Special thanks to Chris Holland for use of photography and John Snow, John Erroll and Tony Hammond for statistical compilation.

A huge thank you also to Rob Cavallini whose Barnet history books set the basis for our journey to complete all statistics back to the start of Barnet FC.

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