Nothing To Get Excited About
What does 2010 really hold? By: Eric Hitchmo 31/12/2009
Torquay United
1 1
League 26/01/2010
2009-2010 Attendance: 1331 (317)

We're going into the new year (happy new year readers) but there's not much to be positive about in a football sense ahead in 2010. I know I've been a doom and gloom merchant in the last few weeks but that's all there is to write about. We've seen some dreadful performances, some indifferent ones and not much else. Points are becoming much harder to come by.

It just strikes me that everything's in a bit of a rut. When was the last time that a game was truly riveting and exciting, when was it a real pleasure to be there and witness it? Such experiences are few and far between over the last few years, for me it coincides with our return to the Football League.

Take our upcoming away trip to Morecambe as an example. We as a group used to treat this as a stonewall weekender. Loads of used to go up there. In the Conference, right at the end of the winning season, there was a massive group of about 40 doing a weekend there, both within our group and outside of it. Yes there was the league game in 07/08, but that was the first day of the season, everyone goes to that, plus we hadn't been there in a few years. Last season thogh, barely anyone went and it'll be the same story this year. Morecambe as a weekend hasn't become less attractive, it's the long trip where the 'main event' is to go and watch Barnet that has lost its appeal.

A lot of people who were regulars at that time seem to have just fallen out of love with watching Barnet. They were what you might call the 'old guard'. A time when the East Terrace was the place to be with a great atmosphere and on occasion, witty chants in the direction of the opposition. What's the best we get now? '4-0 and your mum's a whore' was heard at Aldershot. Is this the norm on the East Terrace now? Glad I and many others moved away when we did if those are the sorts of chants aimed at riling the opposition. It's simply moronic.

Even the 'old guard' who remain just don't appear interested anymore. They sit by and watch with little actual emotion as ninety more minutes of mediocrity pass in front of their eyes. The terrace in-fighting passes them by, no-one cares.

I'm quite similar to that now. I just go out of habit, sometimes in the hope that something good might happen. Home games are not enjoyable, leaving early often becomes a distinct possibility. Does this make me less of a fan?

Away games are largely bareable due to the 'away day' nature, the alcohol through the system numbs the pain of 19 away wins in over 100 games since 2005/2006, or whatever the number is. When an away game is not accompanied by this key ingredient it becomes like a home game - boring. It always seems to be the same ones - Rochdale, Darlington, Bury, Accrington, etc etc etc.

As mentioned in my last moany moan, its the social side that is largely contributing to my continued attendance. It's very important. Me and my friends congregate at a pub early doors and have a good day together on a Saturday. The football has now become the bit you have to do, the chore, like doing the washing or the ironing at home. I can't remember the last game I actually looked forward to and couldn't wait to get into the ground for.

What's the remedy for this? Winning games? Perhaps. Remember how we started this season. I couldn't imagine writing such a downbeat piece as I am now back then. It all seems so long ago. Yes I mention Northampton every time I write now, but that game almost described the opposite of what's above. Incredible atmosphere, great night, superb day out, three points, top of the league, all the goals at our end resulting in mental stacks, the list goes on. Maybe the football actually is important, because the way it's going at the moment, the more downbeat I and others will get.

Shrewsbury next. I don't really want to go. Money down the drain with no prospect of enjoyment or even points. Can football turn it round and be good to us? You can only hope. But for now, hope is severely lacking. A shame indeed, but such is life.

Depressed of Herts.

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Special thanks to Chris Holland for use of photography and John Snow, John Erroll and Tony Hammond for statistical compilation.

A huge thank you also to Rob Cavallini whose Barnet history books set the basis for our journey to complete all statistics back to the start of Barnet FC.

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