On The Outside Looking In, And Forward
We did it! By: Reginald Crow 08/05/2011
Port Vale
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League 07/05/2011
2010-2011 Attendance: 4478 (491)
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The first words that came to mind were Phew! Wow! Unbelievable (Jeff)!

As many wake up nursing their hangovers or their adrenalin come downs, I do not have such problems.  For yesterday I chose not to go to Underhill.  In only my second article for DSH, how apt was that yesterday, I think some people would question me as a Barnet fan!

Its not that I dont love Barnet or I hoped they would be relegated because we would win a few more games next season, or didnt believe in The Graz Escape.  Its because I have been less than committed to the cause this season, I didnt renew my season ticket this year, I chose some non-league games, I chose golf, I chose a f&*%ing huge telly, I chose a different life  And to turn up just to say I was there, wouldnt be right to me, I didnt deserve that adrenalin rush.  I went and played cricket, yep cricket!  I hope the other 4000+ that were there yesterday will be there all of next season, but I doubt it very much, thanks for turning up hoping to revel in our misery, you can go crawl back under that stone you came from, like all those at Man United all those years ago.  At the games I had turned up to this year I left early at some of them for the first time I can remember.

My delight at 5.15 when I was made aware of the result was of little comparison to those at Underhill, the photos, the Facebook status updates, the videos, the pictures (including those of a soccerette, marvellous)the tweets, the text messages, all summed up the passion of those that had endured almost every game this year.  The horror away at Crewe, the 10 defeats at home (especially The Chavs), the bizarre Sam Deering equaliser against Chesterfield, the thumping of Gillingham, and seeing 4 different human beings (I cant call them all men, and even human is a compliment to one of them) take charge in the dugout, everything that makes up the marathon that is the 46 league game season.

Many of you will think I am being over cynical, regrettable that I wasnt there, jealous maybe, but just that by remaining realistic, I will never get overly upset by our disappointing league position.  Since we regained our league status, every season has been a nerve wracking survival affair as it should be for a club of our stature and spend.  We have regularly celebrated coming 3rd, 4th, 5th bottom.  Granted punching 2, 3, 4 places above our weight, every year we survive is an achievement, but to celebrate it doesnt seem right to me.

Whilst we are happy that Tony K does not put us in the financial dire, its a hard pill to swallow when we see a lack of investment on the pitch that results in only about 10% of the seasons before squad remaining, and its not the top 10% that we keep, but a mediocre part, that werent so bad they couldnt pay us to keep them, but not good enough to get picked up by a top conference side for money or a playoff chasing league 2 side as an opportunity.

So Tony K as one friend put it on Friday night I hope the football gods give Tony K one last chance to prove he's serious about this Football League lark! so here you go Mr Chairman, time to show you are serious, time to stop coming up with excuses about pulling power, fan base all that bollocks, because last season Dagenham made it to the playoffs and got promoted, Accrington are in the playoffs this year, Accrington!!  You want us to turn up, show our support, get behind your club, give us a bloody good reason we should.  Give the man in charge, whoever that may be, some money, proper money to go out and give league 2 a serious attempt.  Not a Ill spend a bare amount of money to get 3rd bottom budget, with some serious players, not an average height of 5 foot 6 and 10 stone.  Lets get some big, hefty beasts in, who bully teams, who dont play as attractive football, but know how to win a game of football, who care that they are out on that pitch, who sign autographs at the end of the season, who clap the fans at the end of a game, because we are the ones that pay their wages.  There is polarised opinion on Martin Allen, but when it comes down to it, Tony K tried to be smart, and was shown up again, Martin Allen did something any other employee trying to pay his bar bill would have done, he found a better job for more money, and left, Id do it to my boss, and so I cant be too upset, and the points, atmosphere, belief he gave us unquestionably kept us up.

It was also a point to Tony K, that if you do get the right man, give him a bit more cash, things can happen, so time to step up Mr Chairman, your academy has another year, you can crow to your mates over a prawn sandwich or 2 at the FA, enjoy all the finals in the Royal Box you will get to go to over the next few weeks free of charge because were still in the football league, but see if you can build some links with some higher league clubs that will let us have some players over serious quality.

As for the fans, we lose away trips to Stockport, Lincoln, Bury, Chesterfield, Wycombe, and get some sunny southern trips instead Plymouth, Bristol Rovers, Swindon, Dagenham, Wimbledon/Luton & (the one I really hope we do over) Crawley Town.  Steve Evans will be the most disliked man in league 2 next season, without fail.  So whilst we take the next 10 weeks to recover, and prepare for the anticipation of the pre-season excitement when we see some youngster running rings round St Albans City and think he will single handedly get us out of trouble/heading for mid table obscurity, say a prayer, or take faith in the fact that in 52 weeks time, well all be saying its not the same when you are safe going into the final game of the season.

Another season, another survival, the 2010-11 the Graz escape season.  And for the mate who not surprisingly cried yesterday when he hugged his mate, have a holiday, you need it!

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Special thanks to Chris Holland for use of photography and John Snow, John Erroll and Tony Hammond for statistical compilation.

A huge thank you also to Rob Cavallini whose Barnet history books set the basis for our journey to complete all statistics back to the start of Barnet FC.

Club crests, player images, and company logos are the property of their respective owners. They are included in this website for reference purposes only